
This is a quick guide for developers or who want to learn how to write software and curious about the AetherOne(Pi or Elements). Maybe you want to change something, so you are welcome. I recommend to learn some Java basics first. But here I describe the best steps to get started here:

  1. install Java JDK
  2. install Maven (and follow the instructions to configure Java with Maven on your OS)
  3. install GIT
  4. install Visual Studio

Download AetherOnePi project with Git (why with Git? Because you need to learn Git, it is the best tool for collaborative work on one project! But you can also download the Zip of the project and unzip it … but this is so unprofessional).

Open a shell on your computer, change the drive and folder to where you want to copy the content and then type:

git clone

After that go into the folder AetherOnePi. If you have installed Visual Studio properly you can just type “code” and it will open the IDE for you.

cd AetherOnePi

To build the project just type the following two commands (the first line will install the external dependencies into your local repository)

mvn -B validate
mvn -B package --file pom.xml -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Afterwards whenever you make a change you can just type

mvn clean install

Or in order to save time

 mvn clean install   -Dmaven.test.skip=true 

This will produce inside the target folder a java -jar AetherOnePi-1.2.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar (careful, the version number changes over time). You can run the jar on your computer with

java -jar AetherOnePi-1.2.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
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