
These are “random” notes on radionics, consciousness, practice, the spiritual art and whatever is important to remember. These notes will be condensed with time into blog posts.

The hierarchy of things:
Spirit foremost, the base, consciousness, all that is, fundamental.
Energy is generated by the spirit.
Time is related to energy.
Space-Time therefore is generated by consciousness / spirit too.
Most formulas about physics contains the sign “t” as time and you can say that there consciousness is involved. In quantum physics time almost does not exist in their mathematical formulas.

Lower levels of reality
We fall into sin and therefore into lower levels of reality. Therefore we resonate with plants, minerals, animals, elements and we produce symptoms similar to their signatures. Homeopathy raise consciousness a little bit above these levels (just a little bit) and therefore our spirit stops generating symptoms. Symptoms are necessary in order to make us aware. But because we fall into sin, we cannot free ourselves from this lower state. We are inside this lower state together, as a collective, not only as individuals. If this is true what I wrote here, then aging and illness is ultimately based on the egoism of humanity, because we (as a collective organism) refuse to reconnect to our creator and receive fresh energy from higher levels.

Peter Radatti’s book 2nd Level Radionics
Radionics devices are instruments, not “devices”. They do not produce anything. The operator use a instrument for making the “music”.
Meta-Radionics, radionics for enhancing radionics.
Humor is so important!
Shotgun vs Sniper Technique
Reagents (make your own!)
If you read this Peter: “Sei un mito!!!”

Apathy in the world of radionics
WHY is the most fascinating topic not more discussed in the world wide web? Even in facebook groups about radionics with so many members, they do not share their experience. It seems they are bored, not convinced, no fun, no new discoveries. They only asks stupid questions, like for example “will it work?” … WHAT? Dude, try it out and share your experience. Don’t bother the community with your stupid questions! Or the other most annoying question is “do anyone has the rate for x, y, z?” Man, COLD SCAN the stuff out of it! And then the typical facebook groups posts are only about “let’s welcome our new members” … WHY? Because this generates fake traffic on your group? Are you so bored with your life?

They require ENERGY. Your spirit generates this energy. You need to feed them. They are hungry! So my advice (even to myself, because I also tend to forget): ZHAN ZHUANG!!! There is no better solution. (Well there is, but … only if you are married)

Lucid Dreaming
I need to write more about it and how they are related to radionics. There is a “interface” between the consciousness states, waking life, dreams, even the astral world (which is a state too). Combining lucid dreaming with radionics is so interesting!!!

Virtual Reality Devices
Oh man, I need to program one proof of concept. There are so many ideas inside me (or inside the collective mind, ready to be milked).

This degenerated worldview, this perversity, is not at all intuitive and so incomplete. It leads to many sufferings, because it has pure ignorance* at its base.
* Ignorance in the sense of “not want to know, because of refusing responsibility for its implications” (the greatest fear of humanity: 2 Peter 3:5, Proverbs 1:26 – 29, Psalm 2 entire chapter)
Even so many people who claims they are “idealists” in reality ignore the hard facts.

Radionics is a word
ERA (Electronic Reactions of Abrams), the Oscilloclast, the Radioclast, these are just words. Albert Abrams RE-invented radionics. His worldview was up to date for his time (the rise of materialism and the parallel development of electric radio). Radionics per se, MIND OVER MATTER, was already there before human beings pooped into their pants. Angelic beings observed the creation of the physical reality and applauded (Job 38:4-7).

And yet, there are so many people who reinvent new words to hide the fact that their “technology” is indeed based on radionics (Quantum Woo LTD & Co).

Broadcasting a rate will encounter a resistance from the consciousness, from the egoistic behavior, a structure that things it works well enough. Maybe it works well enough and we try to change something that should not be changed (at least right now). Resistance manifests nonlocally by raising the resistance of our fingers on the stickpad or by altering the probability of true random number generators. The collective subconsciousness resists to an advancement of radionics, because they are bound to the materialistic framework (parasites whispers into the ears of their hosts that they should remain on that lower level at all cost … but there is hope: Revelation 16:10).

Do not only talk about it!
The practice of radionics is like making love. Do you only want to talk about it? Similar is homeopathy. The pseudoskeptics who talk bad about homeopathy are impotent individuals who would never ever try a real “homeopathic proving of a remedy”. They refuse to touch it, they are frigid. Therefore use radionics, experiment with it, even only with paper radionics (what is indeed fun if done well). See what happens! What can you lose?

Tuberculinic miasm and radionics
The tuberculinic miasm desires a shortcut, a fast method, one switch for just solve their problem. Therefore they love to travel. They believe that they are able to analyse and balance everything … and then they feel a huge powerlessness which manifests in a weak lung system.

The tuberculin intemperance (Rosina Sonnenschmidt)

A large field of tubercular intemperance is offered by biophysical testing methods, energy work, which defy both ratiocination and verifiability. In this field I know my way around. I have taught kinesiology and radionics myself for many years to know how useful these testing methods can be and where their limitations are.

In called hands, knowing that any healing process is the patient’s own effort and hard work on beliefs, and that the body accurately reflects what is emotionally and mentally either unredeemed or redeemed, a testing procedure can be helpful for diagnosis and remedy selection. To exclude the physical body from energy work shows dilettantism, because the body knows everything, forgets nothing, because there is consciousness in every cell. That is why a biophysical test works. If you train your intuition, you don’t need a dowsing rod, pendulum or expensive computer equipment.

… they resonate with the delusion of the quick fix …

The reason why Jacques Benveniste and Luc Antoine Montagnier failed:

Everything that the market of energetic healing methods and testing procedures has to offer is sensible, useful and effective, as long as the users know their measure and their limits and -this is my personal demand- can deal with failure. For among the tubercular dowsers, radionic testers, hand-layers, meridian regulators, aura surgeons, there is sometimes a fabulous pseudo-self-confidence to be able to demonstrate at any time how successful the method is. But most of them fail in front of a critical audience, in front of a humorous view of their work and even more in front of a running camera.

The presence of a critical person destroys “the field” (or mental context) in which radionics works. Even the fermenting process of yeast stops when an evil person is present. Once there was this neighbor, a real witch, an evil bad woman from Italy, she used to come visit us whenever it was the wrong time, for example when we got dinner or supper. My mother made a braided yeast bun and I was observing how it grow in the oven. The moment she knocked at our door and opened her mouth to let her unpleasant words out (she was very very very annoying), the yeast collapsed. So, lesson learned. Safe your time and energy, just tell them, they are not welcome.

I believe that many free energy devices works with such a “field” too, like the Joe Cell, and therefore they do not succeed in this evil world.

The Phosphorus Idiot

I know a young man who got interested a lot in homeopathy, but lacked clear logic reasoning and a certain love for the truth. He began to take massive doses of Phosphorus, very high potency, in the believe that much will help much. At a certain point he began to fantasize that he has magic powers, that he will be able to levitate objects and talk to spirits. He even send away his young and very beautiful and humble wife away, telling her that he will become so famous, that he will have no time for her anymore and that he will anyway have sex with so many women who will be attracted by his powers.

This is the extreme version of a “Phosphorus Idiot“. I know only one more person who behaves like that and his name was lost more than 6000 years ago, because he exposed his idiocy to the entire universe. You can read about this idiot in the Bible in chapter 3 of Genesis. He is the very personification of an idiot, one who denies that 1 + 1 equals 2 and one that claims that truth could be defined by oneself.

Phosphorus is a normal stage in a child maturity process, especially during puppetry. But some people get stuck in this stage and you can recognize them by their exaggerated arrogant behavior and overconfidence. But not only imperfect human beings are subject to such misbehavior. Former angels, now known as apostate or rebellious demons, behave like phosphoric idiots, burning the very structure of their existence for a short time of pleasure.

Remedy maker
Even homeopaths are not aware, that some remedies are made with radionics and later potentised
“For this reason I started looking for a better remedy. My thoughts went toward silk quickly, because it has attributes (see below “attributes”) that have much in common with our own tissues such as skin, tendons and ligaments. Since I like experimenting and using a radionic instrument, I created the homeopathic remedy silk in the potency 10M and took it.” Source: Silk on

The reason is partly because we don’t want to harm the animal or insect:
“This remedy was made from a live Blue Triangle butterfly using a radionics box (Master Module M4.1, Prue Instruments). It was quite important to me that the butterfly was not killed in this process” Source: Graphium sarpedon on

Analysis is a micro-broadcasting
When you analyse, you also broadcast. You will never be able to separate this two processes completely from each other. Your consciousness is bound to the target and by performing an analysis you also send out intention. (Physical reality does not exist until you measure it).

Jealousy and Egotism
Massimo Mangialavori wrote a book about the Solanaceae (nightshades). These people are jealous … man, so jealous, incredible jealous! They do nothing good in their life and expect and demand that they are treated like kings and princess. In the world of radionics I encountered a few of them and I must say they are just ill.

Check for parasites and counteract with appropriate broadcast. Parasites comes in different forms, like worms, but also people who live in your vicinity who lives from your energy and money and your food (no, I don’t mean by that your children). They will leave if you raise your awareness (or the awareness of the small community you live in).

Invent your own potency
There are D, C, LM, Q, Flux potencies, right? Why not invent your own potency? I use sometimes the “quantum flux potency” … don’t ask what it is, it just works!
Naturally, be aware that these constructs are thoughtforms and they require energy.

Synthesizer and Radionics
Both instruments have a lot in common!

Bernardo Kastrup and Nondualism
Metaphysics experience a small revival with Kastrup & Co. I recommend to unleash your abilities in radionics by adjusting your worldview (if you are a “scientific person”):

PowerSwitch and why the AetherOnePi feels “smoother” than Repeater

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